Woman sitting in a white and navy blue dress, smiling, with a background of trees, rocks and sea

Hello, I’m Clotilde 

I am a registered nutritional therapist specialising in supporting women to balance their hormones, to optimise their digestion and regain their energy.

I love to help women to better understand their body, and empower them to take back control of their health so they can live life to the full.  

Whether you are suffering with painful periods, PCOS, infertility, premenstrual syndrome (PMS), hypothyroidism, fibroids, endometriosis, amenorrhoea, with nutritional therapy, I can bring supportive food and lifestyle recommendations to help improve your symptoms. I also love to follow my clients through their pregnancy and postnatal journeys. 

We work together to ensure that you can implement realistic changes that fit into your daily life and circumstances, whilst still enjoying your food and being able to have a social life.

My qualifications

Clotilde specialises in empowering women to find hormonal balance and in supporting them during their fertility journey. PCOS is one of her specialist interests. She also supports women with conditions such as painful periods, pre-menstrual syndrome, hypothyroidism, endometriosis or fibroids to name a few. She loves to follow her clients through their pregnancy and postnatal journeys.

Clotilde trained for 3 years at the world-renowned Institute of Optimum Nutrition and is now a BANT registered Nutritional Therapist. She also holds a membership with the CNHC, a governing body for qualified complementary healthcare professionals.  She is currently completing a Masters in Personalised Nutrition (CNELM – Middlesex University).

She pursues extensive postgraduate training with a focus on her specialist area of fertility and PCOS and keeps up to date with the latest research on women’s health issues. Examples of recent training she has undertaken includes:

– Completed the 12-month fertility mentorship programme, with Sandra Greenbank, nutritional therapist, founder of the Fertility Nutrition Centre

Infertility, Prenatal Car and Maternal health strategies and Treatment Applications, with the Kharrazian Institute

– The Reproductive Microbiome Course, with Leah Hetchman (Invivo Healthcare)

The Gestational Journey Conference, with world leading experts in the field of fertility, nutrition and hormones (Integrative Health Summit)

Prior to this life change, Clotilde worked for 8 years in the corporate world, in high profile demanding jobs, managing international teams and travelling throughout Europe. She combines her experience of complex data analysis, strategy and coaching with her nutritional therapy expertise.  She